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Local and Global variable

LOCAL AND GLOBAL VARIABLES LOCAL VARIABLE :- Variable that are declared inside the function is called local variable.These variable are also referred to as automatic variables. Local variable are referred only by statement that are declared inside the block in which the variable are declared. simple program for local variable #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main( ) { int x,y;              /* this is local variable*/ clrscr( );      printf("enter two number \n"); scanf("%d %d",&x,&y0; getch( );  } GLOBAL VARIABLE :- The variable declared outside the function are called global variables.They will hold their value throughout the program's execution. you create global variables by declaring them outside of all function.  simple program of global variable #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int a ;           ...

c instruction

          Hierarchy operation    if we use two or more operator in arithmetic instruction than we use hierarchy operator problem . the priority or precedence in which the arithmetic operator are perform called hierarchy operations. example:- 2*x-3*y , a/(b*c). Associativity operators: -  when an expression take two or more operator of same priority. Than the tie between them and we use associativity of the operator.        associativity are to type:-        1. left to right :-  it means that the left operand must be unambiguous (non- confusing) . 2. right to left :- it mean the right  operand must be unambiguous (non- confusing). example:- a=3/2*5;

program for operators

            Types of operators binary operator Arithmetic operator (+,×,÷,-) Relational operator (==,=!,>, <,<=,>=) conditional operator (exp1 ? exp2 : exp3;) bitwise operator (&,|,^) logical operator (&&,||,=!) Assignment operator. (=) Program for Arithmetic operatora Program for how to use Arithmetic operator. void main ( ) { int a=5,b=7,c,d; clrscr ( ); printf("The value of a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); c=a+b; d=a*b; printf  ("The value of c=%d and d=%d\n"); getch ( ); } output:-  The value of a=5,b=7 The value of c=12 and d=35 Program for relational operators. void main  ( ) { int a,b; clrscr ( ); printf ("enter two integers \n"); scanf  (" %d %d",&a,&b); if (a>b) printf (" %d is greater than %d\n",a,b); else if ( a <b) printf (" %d is less than %d\n",a,b); else if (a==b) printf (" %d is equal to %d\n",a,b); getch ( ); }...

types of constant

Now start c language Character set :- It is a group of words, number and expression that is used to develop and run a program. Syntax :-like any other language “c” also has its own vocabulary and grammer they are called syntax. Identifier :- it refers to the name of variable, function and array it is complete user define names. Constant :- A constant has fixed value that cannot change during the execution of program. Variable   :- A variable is an entity that may be change during the  execution of program. Keyward :- keyword are the word that carries special   meaning. All the keyword has fixed meaning it can’t be change. There are 32 keywords in c.                                         Constant in c Types of constant  Primary constant i.              ...

history of c

                 History of c programming language. 1.   First language is ALGOL come in 1960. 2.   After algol the bcpl language is come in 1967. BCPL is invented by Martin Richard.     Martin Richards (born 21 July 1940) is a British computer scientist known       for his development of the BCPL programming language in 1966. Developer of BCPL is Martin Richard in 1966. Full form of BCPL is basic combined programming language. 3.   In 1970 B language is developed in  AT & T’s bell laboraties of USA.B language is        invented by ken Thompson.                                                             4.   To improve b language then come the c ...

basic of programming

About c language. Q: what is c programming?   Ans: C is general purpose programming language used for wide range of application from operating system like window, linux and ios . C is a programming language developed at AT & T’s bell laboratories of USA in 1972. It was designed and written by a man named Dennis Ritchie.                                                                                          Q: why c is so popular ? Ans: C language is popular because it is easy to use and reliable , simple.                            Use of c programming language 1.   It is use for operating system (os) like window , linux ,    ...