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history of c

                History of c programming language.

1. First language is ALGOL come in 1960.
2. After algol the bcpl language is come in 1967. BCPL is invented by Martin Richard.
   Martin Richards (born 21 July 1940) is a British computer scientist known 
     for his development of the BCPL programming language in 1966.

  • Developer of BCPL is Martin Richard in 1966.
  • Full form of BCPL is basic combined programming language.

3. In 1970 B language is developed in  AT & T’s bell laboraties of USA.B language is
       invented by ken Thompson.

4. To improve b language then come the c language 1972 in AT & T’s Bell laboraties of usa. C is develop by Dennis Ritchie.

After the ken Thompson the Dennis Ritchie is developer of C language
               and improve the unix operating system in 1972.


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