Types of operators binary operator Arithmetic operator (+,×,÷,-) Relational operator (==,=!,>, <,<=,>=) conditional operator (exp1 ? exp2 : exp3;) bitwise operator (&,|,^) logical operator (&&,||,=!) Assignment operator. (=) Program for Arithmetic operatora Program for how to use Arithmetic operator. void main ( ) { int a=5,b=7,c,d; clrscr ( ); printf("The value of a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b); c=a+b; d=a*b; printf ("The value of c=%d and d=%d\n"); getch ( ); } output:- The value of a=5,b=7 The value of c=12 and d=35 Program for relational operators. void main ( ) { int a,b; clrscr ( ); printf ("enter two integers \n"); scanf (" %d %d",&a,&b); if (a>b) printf (" %d is greater than %d\n",a,b); else if ( a <b) printf (" %d is less than %d\n",a,b); else if (a==b) printf (" %d is equal to %d\n",a,b); getch ( ); }...
this blog is for c programming language. in this blog have very important notes are available. Which help you for theory. I hope you like it. In this blog I will explain how to execute the program and how it work in compiler,linking section.